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2025 Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Scholar Award
Note: Funding organization for this grant is Fund for Cures UK, Ltd., a Registered Charity in the United Kingdom (UK), with registration number 1185863. Fund for Cures UK is the registered charity of Harrington Discovery Institute®.
Investigators may apply from accredited academic medical centers, research institutions or universities in the United Kingdom (UK). Applications must be written in English. The sponsoring institution must ensure the necessary facilities and infrastructure are in place to execute the planned research project. The institution must also accept the award conditions, including the Budget Use of Funds and provide governance over fund expenditures.
Sponsoring institutions must safeguard the rights and welfare of individuals who participate as subjects in research activities. Grantees must ensure:
Grant activities are carried out in accordance with all relevant legislation and codes of practice, including those relating to health and safety and data protection, regulatory requirements, and ethical guidelines and principles.
That all necessary licenses and approvals have been obtained and are in place at all times during the grant period.
That any element of the grant activities that involves the use of animals and that is conducted outside the United Kingdom is, as a minimum standard, carried out in accordance with the principles of UK legislation (for further information, consult the UK Government Home Office website, in particular the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986).
Reference: Wellcome Trust granting guide
Additionally, sponsoring institutions must adhere to current guidelines regarding financial conflict of interest, recombinant DNA and research misconduct.
Non-public applicant information is kept confidential (and limited in distribution to the reviewers and Harrington Discovery Institute administrative team). For those selected as Harrington Scholars, and with the applicant’s approval, the abstract summary may be used by Harrington Discovery Institute or Fund for Cures UK for publicity and marketing purposes (on the Harrington Discovery Institute and Fund for Cures UK websites, news releases, etc.). A Harrington Scholar’s name, institution, and scholar program may be used at Harrington Discovery Institute’s or Fund for Cures UK’s sole discretion.
Applicants acknowledge that University Hospitals Health System, may conduct research that is related to, or competitive with, proposals submitted by applicants, but University Hospitals Health System commits not to use information submitted by applications in connection with research.
The review panel consists of academic science subject matter experts and industry science professionals with expertise in drug development and commercialization.
Projects will be assessed based on:
Applicants who fail to fill out their applications by the deadline and/or in accordance with the detailed instructions are subject to disqualification at the outset of the review period or any time during the review period.
Pending how far an applicant makes it in the review process, Harrington Discovery Institute may be able to provide reviewers' comments or feedback to help applicants strengthen the proposal for future submission.
General: Funds can be applied to direct costs only (no institution overhead or indirect costs). No more than £10,000 of the total grant can be used for capital expenditures or equipment.
Salary: The award may be used for salary of the PI (up to 10% of total award amount), and additional personnel (collaborators, etc.) in a proportionate amount to the time spent on the project. Award funds cannot be used to pay students.
Travel: The award may not be used for travel costs.
Neither Harrington Discovery Institute nor Fund for Cures UK Ltd. claims any rights whatsoever to patents, copyrights or trademarks to intellectual property (IP) created as a result of work sponsored by a Fund for Cures UK grant.
Yearly renewal of the award is dependent on timely submission of a written progress report.
A significant change in the project scope or work should be discussed with Harrington Discovery Institute’s Vice President of Therapeutics Development.
Awards may be transferred to another institution (UK institutions only) that agrees to assume the Policies, Terms & Conditions of the agreement. Permission to transfer the award to another institution must be obtained in writing from Harrington Discovery Institute’s Vice President of Therapeutics Development.
Awards are managed through Fund for Cures UK, which will assure compliance with program policies and be responsible for all administrative matters.
The Principal Investigator and his/her/their institution are solely responsible for execution of the project, including compliance with all relevant national, regional and local laws and guidelines.
Harrington Discovery Institute and Fund for Cures UK Ltd. reserve the right to refine and amend policies from time to time.
Any questions should be directed here.