About the Lab
Our goal is to use discoveries in fundamental biology to fuel the development of new approaches to treat human disease.
The Field lab discovered molecular machinery that drives vesicle budding at the Golgi, acting as a fundamental component of the cellular secretory pathway. We established that this machinery serves as a hub for intracellular signaling pathways that regulate Golgi function. Furthermore, abnormal activation of this Golgi secretory machinery serves as a driver of many human cancers.
Our lab is providing new insight into this mysterious organelle, the Golgi, its regulation, and its contribution to human pathophysiology using diverse, state of the art approaches in cell and molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, and pharmacology.
A few key publications:
- Dippold HC, Ng MM, Farber-Katz SE, Lee SK, Kerr ML, Peterman M, Sim R, Wiharto P, Galbraith KA, Madhavarapu S, Fuchs GJ, Meerloo T, Farquhar MG, Zhou H, Field SJ. GOLPH3 Bridges Phosphatidylinositol-4-Phosphate and Actomyosin to Stretch and Shape the Golgi to Promote Budding. Cell 2009; 139:337-351. Pubmed link (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19837035/)
- Farber-Katz SE, Dippold HC, Buschman MD, Peterman MC, Xing M, Tat J, Noakes CJ, Ng MM, Rahajeng J, Cowan DM, Fuchs GJ, Zhou H, Field SJ. DNA Damage Triggers Golgi Dispersal via DNA-PK and GOLPH3. Cell 2014; 156:413-27. Pubmed link (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24485452/)
- Rahajeng J, Kuna RS, Makowski SL, Tran TTT, Buschman MD, Li S, Cheng N, Ng MM, Field SJ. Efficient Golgi Forward Trafficking Requires GOLPH3-Driven, PI4P-Dependent Membrane Curvature. Developmental Cell, 2019; 50:573-585. Pubmed link (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31231041/)
- Kuna RS, Field SJ. GOLPH3: A Golgi phosphatidylinositol(4)phosphate effector that directs vesicle trafficking and drives cancer. Journal of Lipid Research 2019; 60: 269-275. Pubmed link (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30266835/)